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Human Handoff Feature

The Human Handoff feature in Thinkstack enables you to set up your chatbot for a smooth transition to a human agent whenever users require more personalized assistance. While AI chatbots are great for handling many tasks, they may struggle with complex or sensitive issues. This feature ensures that users receive human support precisely when they need it most.

Human Handoff is triggered when a user’s request, such as 'I need to talk to a human,' 'I need help, can you connect me with someone from the team?', 'It’s urgent, I would like to talk to a professional,' or a similar request is detected. When this trigger is activated, the chatbot seamlessly connects the user to a human with minimal disruption, ensuring a smooth and effective handover.

Set up Human Handoff:
Configure your chatbot to transition users to a human agent when needed.

Human Takeover:
Allows a human agent to seamlessly take over the conversation from the chatbot when necessary.