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What are Actions in Thinkstack?

The Actions feature in Thinkstack enables the AI chatbot to dynamically respond to user inputs by identifying their intent and triggering relevant flow of action. Instead of relying on traditional forms, the chatbot automatically recognizes user needs such as interest in a product, reporting an issue, or providing feedback and activates a sequence of actions to collect necessary information. This intent-driven process streamlines interactions, allowing businesses to automate tasks like lead generation, support ticket creation, or feedback collection, ultimately enhancing both user experience and operational efficiency.

Use Cases of the Actions:#

There are few pre-configured Actions for specific purposes:

Lead: When the chatbot detects a user expressing interest in the product, it automatically recognizes them as a potential lead. This triggers a sequence where the chatbot asks for the user’s name, phone number, and email, helping the business gather necessary contact information for follow-up and sales opportunities.

Report an Issue: If a user describes a problem, the chatbot identifies this intent and activates the issue reporting process, asking for relevant details to submit a support ticket.

Talk to Sales: When a user expresses interest in speaking with sales, the chatbot collects contact information to facilitate direct outreach by the sales team.

Customer Feedback: If a user mentions feedback or experience, the chatbot activates this action, prompting the user to share their thoughts to help improve services.

These actions allow you to gather specific information from users and automate internal flow of actions based on predefined triggers.